Code of good conduct

Palabora's Code of Conduct and policies clearly delineate the company's views on issues of human rights, corporate governance, legislative compliance, dispute resolution, general conduct and safety.

We believe that our code facilitates employees' understanding and commitment to the company's values, ethos and culture.

Organised labour

Palabora has three active employee trade unions namely: the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), Solidarity and The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU). These unions represent both the views of our employees and the interests of the company. As a result, we continually engage the unions so as to build the capacity of our stewards to help them improve their understanding and appreciation of the business. In so doing, the union representatives operate from an informed position when engaging their members; especially in view of the pivotal role that Palabora plays within the Ba-Phalaborwa community.

Palabora always aspires to a 'win-win' solution when resolving problems and experience has shown us that this can only really be done jointly, with mutual respect and understanding. An important outcome of our close collaboration with our unions has been the role they played in encouraging all employees to participate in the various medical aid schemes offered by the company.

Organisational development

At Palabora, all our HR management practices-from recruitment to training, to succession planning and diversity management - are geared towards establishing, maintaining and improving sound business practices. This is a key element of managing and sustaining organisational growth.

We further strive to encourage a continuous learning culture of personal growth and career development through our study assistance policies.

Performance management

Our performance management processes encourage a partnership approach between employees and their managers / team leaders to regularly review performance, agree on development needs and discuss their career aspirations. Individual performance is discussed and rated twice a year.

Further, leadership oriented reviews are aimed at identifying and nurturing future leadership talent for the organisation. Mentoring and coaching programmes also empower and support our people to fulfill their potential.

Diversity management

At Palabora, we are committed to respecting and valuing colleagues, customers and clients of all backgrounds, abilities and disabilities. We integrate our equality and diversity rationale across our employee and contractor network, our supplier-base, the various communities we impact through our operations in the Ba-Phalaborwa region; and our business practices.

We have a detailed Employment Equity policy that addresses the company's demographic profiles, workplace conditions and practices. Our Employment Equity Forum meets on a monthly basis and informs the company on issues of strategic importance. The company aims to have at least 10% of our workforce representing female employees, particularly in roles that were traditionally held by male employees. In our professional cadres and senior positions, we aim to have 40% representation of Historically Disadvantaged South Africans (HDSA). Also included in the plan, is the employment of people with disabilities.